My name is Moti Barness and I’m an authorized Car Import Agent to Israel, for self import
2005 I requested an import license for a tour car to my business as a Tour Guide, and the import department manager refused. I asked why and the answer was because! I petitioned against the Ministry of transportation, it took me 10 years to win the case and to change the law
Hallelujah I’m so proud that I defeated the bureaucrats and learned a new profession . this is my License as a car import agent
Moti Barness car import agent license
Today I have excellent relation with the new Import Department manager , she gave me my license and now I get import license with no problems
My main job is a tour guide operate a tour car but I devote my life to fight the traitors civil servants in ministry of transportation that instead helping the common men they help the car import monopolies
In Israel their is no competition because for each car producer their is only 1 dealer. Self import car is a very small competition to the monopolies and it became possible to do self import for businessmen, not only for private use, thanks to my petitions 7006/07 against ministry of transportation to Supreme Court
I specialize in import used 6-14 passengers car, 1-1.5 years old, as Tour Cars for Tour Guides and Taxis